Skyridge Cheer & Stunt Crew

2024-2025 Bylaws

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2024-2025 BylawsARTICLE ONE: PURPOSE & PHILOSOPHYSection One: PurposeSection Two: PhilosophyARTICLE TWO: RULES, CONDUCT, & DISCIPLINESection One: General RulesSection Two: Conduct & PerformanceSection Three: Social MediaSection Four: Transportation RuleSection Five: Grounds for Suspension and RemovalARTICLE THREE: ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINESSection One: Full-Time Enrollment StatusSection Two: GPA, F’s, and IncompletesSection Three: School AttendanceARTICLE FOUR: TEAM STRUCTURE & DUTIES New!Section One: Team StructureSection Two: Boys Stunt CrewSection Three: Competition TeamsARTICLE FIVE: TIME COMMITMENT & SCHEDULESection One: Cheer ClassSection Two: Time ManagementSection Three: Attendance PolicySection Four: Tardy PolicySection Five: Truancy PolicySection Six: Cheerleading ScheduleSection Seven: Tumbling LessonsARTICLE SIX: COACH & PARENT ROLESSection One: Roles of Cheer StaffSection Two: Roles of ParentsSection Three: Parent SupportARTICLE SEVEN: HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDELINESSection One: Health & StrengthSection Two: Stunt Safety ClinicSection Three: InjuriesSection Four: NFHS Spirit Rules of SafetyARTICLE EIGHT: UNIFORM GUIDELINESSection One: Practice UniformSection Two: Game UniformSection Three: School Uniform on Game DaySection Four: Travel UniformSection Five: Loss of UniformARTICLE NINE: FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONSection One: Cheerleading FeesSection Two: Payment ScheduleSection Three: FundraisingSection Four: Loss of Cheerleading FeesARTICLE TEN: TRYOUT INFORMATIONSection One: Tryout Eligibility Section Two: Tryouts, Part A (Aktivate Registration) Section Three: Tryouts, Part B (Online Application) Section Four: Tryouts, Part C (In-Person Tryouts)Section Five: Tryout Results


Section One: Purpose

The purpose of the Skyridge High School cheerleading program is to support school athletics as well as participate in cheerleading competition at the local, state, and national level.

Section Two: Philosophy

The cheerleading program at Skyridge High School is well-respected and admired due to the behavior and attitude of its participants and coaches, its dedication to school support, and its advanced level of performance. First and foremost, we seek individuals who set a positive example and demonstrate friendship and respect toward fellow students and faculty. These behaviors are vital in obtaining positive interaction with our crowd at sporting events and other functions. Furthermore, we seek individuals that aspire to great levels of performance and work hard to maximize their potential.
The Skyridge High School cheerleading program cannot function unless its members are united with one another and dedicated to the responsibilities outlined in this document. Harmony, hard work, and commitment must exist in order for the program to succeed. It is a great privilege, and not a right, to hold membership on the Skyridge High School cheerleading teams. Members that violate their responsibilities or demonstrate poor conduct will forfeit participation or membership in the program. Cheerleaders are in a position of visibility, and must therefore hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct and performance, both in and out of uniform. If you feel unable to abide by the rules, policies, and procedures outlined in this document, please do not try out.


Section One: General Rules

  • Be in attendance and on time to all functions
  • Wear correct uniform at all times
  • Work hard and stay on task at all times
  • Complete assignments punctually and correctly
  • Demonstrate good conduct, positivity, and respect at all times
  • Do not bully others in any form as defined by ASD Policy No. 5181
  • Wear proper support on injuries and follow doctors’ recommendations
  • Follow NFHS Spirit Rules at all times
  • Never display poor sportsmanship
  • Do not share or post inappropriate, unkind, or unsportsmanlike texts, comments, pictures, or videos on any form of social media
  • Do not conduct oneself in an illegal or inappropriate way in or out of uniform

Section Two: Conduct & Performance

Skyridge High School cheer team members are expected to act appropriately at all times. Members should maintain good citizenship in the community, honor school policies, and respect faculty, coaches, teammates, and students. During daily cheer practices and events, members should listen attentively, show enthusiasm, and put forth their very best effort. Personal conflicts must be dealt with outside of the classroom and should not disrupt the unity or flow of team functions. It is the responsibility of each team member to act maturely and deal with problems proactively. Failure to demonstrate respect, cooperation, or good performance effort may result in removal from upcoming games, routines, dances, stunts, etc., and may result in probation and/or dismissal from the team.

Section Three: Social Media

As previously stated, team members must demonstrate respect and good behavior at all times. All interactions, including those on social media, must reflect decency, kindness, and integrity. All texts, comments, photos, and videos shared or posted via Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. must follow these guidelines. Members that choose to conduct themselves poorly via social media will be subject to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the team.

Section Four: Transportation Rule

When bus transportation is provided to an event, all members of the cheerleading team are expected to ride on the bus to and from the event. A parent is only allowed to take their athlete home from an event under extenuating circumstances when prior arrangements have been made with a cheer coach in advance.

Section Five: Grounds for Suspension and Removal

It is a privilege, and not a right to hold membership on the Skyridge High School cheerleading teams. Those who choose to conduct themselves poorly will face consequences such as suspension from events or removal from the cheerleading program. A cheerleader may be suspended or removed from the cheer program for offenses that include, but are not limited to:
  • Failing to maintain the academic/attendance standards in Article Three
  • Failing to maintain the tardiness/attendance standards in Article Five
  • Failing to abide by the Social Media standards outlined in Article Two
  • Inflicting physical harm on others
  • Abusing illegal substances or alcohol
  • Taking part in illegal activity
  • Engaging in behavior in or out of cheerleading that warrants such discipline as determined by the cheer staff


Section One: Full-Time Enrollment Status

Cheerleaders & Stunt Crew members must maintain a full-time student enrollment status (6 credit-bearing classes).

Section Two: GPA, F’s, and Incompletes

All cheerleaders must maintain a 3.0 GPA and have no F’s or Incompletes at the end of each quarter.

Section Three: School Attendance

Cheerleaders must be in attendance and on time to all school classes. Truancies are not tolerated. Team members that choose to be truant from school classes may be subject to disciplinary action.


Section One: Team Structure

The Skyridge High School Cheer & Stunt Crew Team will function jointly to support Skyridge High School athletics.

Section Two: Boys Stunt Crew

The purpose of Boys Stunt Crew is to tumble and stunt at athletic events and in competition. Stunt Crew members share equal responsibility in supporting Skyridge High School athletics and participating in competition.

Section Three: Competition Teams

Skyridge High School is well-recognized, accomplished, and admired in state, regional, and national competition arenas. As a result, competitive athletes must aspire to significant levels of behavior and performance in order to participate in cheerleading competition. Coaches are responsible for evaluating and placing athletes on the JV, Varsity, or Crowdleader competition teams. All competition teams may include freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, or Stunt Crew.
Competition teams are created to satisfy complex scoresheet requirements. The process by which teams are created is not simple and clearcut, but requires the consideration of multiple elements and ratios. Placements are determined after months of practice and discussion by the coaching staff. Please note competition teams are subject to change at any time according to coach discretion and/or circumstances that may arise.


Section One: Cheer Class

During the 2024-2025 school year, cheerleading is a formal class period that takes place A1. Practice will start at 6:00am and run through A1. A formal disclosure document will be distributed at the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic school year, which outlines the process by which grades are determined. Freshman students that attend junior high will be responsible to secure transportation to their home school after A1. Freshman students are also responsible to submit a school-to-school form (complete with cheer coach and administrative signatures) to the Skyridge High School Registrar, as well as arrange A1 availability through their home school counselor.

Section Two: Time Management

Cheerleading is a year-round sport that requires a great deal of time in practice and performance. All Cheer & Stunt Crew members must be extremely organized to balance the demands of cheerleading. Cheerleading activities include practices, games, camps, clinics, fundraisers, assemblies, school events and so forth. Involvement in other clubs, organizations, and activities cannot conflict with the cheerleading schedule. Out of necessity, the tardiness and attendance policies for the cheerleading program are very strict because all members are choreographed into stunt groups and routines.

Section Three: Attendance Policy

When a cheerleader is absent, it practically halts progress for the entire team. As a result, absences are not tolerated. Work schedules, technical training courses, vacations, FSY, TREK, girls camp, hair appointments, medical appointments, driver’s education classes, homework make-up, extracurricular activities, all-star cheer programs, and other functions cannot conflict with the cheerleading schedule. A cheerleader may be temporarily or permanently removed from stunts, routines, and performances due to absences for any reason. Absences are only excused under extreme circumstances. Extenuating circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis. The cheer staff must be made aware of all absences as far in advance as possible. In the event of severe illness, a cheerleader’s parent must contact the cheerleading staff prior to the event (including practice) to excuse the cheerleader from attendance.
During summer practice weeks, absences of any kind are strongly discouraged. Please do not try out if you are not able to honor the spring and summer practice schedule in Article Five, Section Six. During school months, absences will result in grade deductions. Grade points lost for absences cannot be made up. Absences of any kind are detrimental to the entire team so absences may result in being temporarily or permanently removed from stunts, routines, and performances at the discretion of the cheer coaches.

Section Four: Tardy Policy

In order to operate an organized, efficient cheerleading program, athletes must be on time to all events and cannot leave early.

Section Five: Truancy Policy

Deliberately and blatantly skipping cheer class, practice, or any other cheer event will not be tolerated. Members that choose to be truant from cheer events will be subject to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the team.

Section Six: Cheerleading Schedule

The following schedule is subject to change.
Spring Schedule
Mondays (April 8 - May 13); 6:45-9:00pm A Day Mornings 6am-7:30am
Uniform Fitting:
April 16; 6:00am
Stunt Safety Clinic:
Date TBA
Summer Schedule
SYC Camp Fundraiser:
June 11-13
5:00 - 9:00pm
June 10 - 14 June 17 - 21 June 24 - 27 July 22 - 26 July 29 - August 2 August 5 - 9 August 12 - 14
6:00 - 9:00am
Lehi Round-Up Parade:
June 29 (Saturday)
Home Cheer Camp:
July 22-26
All Day
Orange & Gray Scrimmage & Carnival:
August 10 (Saturday)
School Schedule
A Days; 6am through A1 Mondays 6:45-9pm Christmas Break: Dec 30th 6-9am; January 2 & 3, 6-9am
Extra Practices:
Rare occurrence, Scheduled as needed
Games & Events:
2 - 3 nights per week plus some Saturdays

Section Seven: Tumbling Lessons

Tumbling is a significant part of cheerleading. Although tumbling skills are often executed at cheer practices and events, this does not take the place of consistent repetition and technique-focused training. We strongly encourage all team members to enroll in regular, weekly lessons outside of cheer practice to continue progression in the art of tumbling.


Section One: Roles of Cheer Staff

The cheerleading coaches are united in purpose and will jointly determine the policies and procedures of the Skyridge High School cheerleading program. Though individual responsibilities are assigned, the coaches represent a united front where all questions and concerns from parents should be directed.

Section Two: Roles of Parents

We encourage all parents to be supportive of the cheerleading program and to promote a positive environment where the objectives of the cheerleading program can be met. Please assist your student-athlete in upholding the rules and expectations outlined in this document. Parents must understand it is not their place nor entitlement to regulate or direct any part of the cheerleading program. As coaches, we are more than happy to discuss your questions, comments, or concerns. At times, serious issues will be discussed by appointment only and may require administrative presence.

Section Three: Parent Support

Parents are vital in boosting our endeavors! As coaches, we can’t do it all. We have big ideas and fun plans, but we need more hands to make the fun extras happen. Our hope is with support and help from equally-invested parents, coaches can focus the majority of their efforts on quality cheerleading instruction while parents assist with the extras that make a big difference. Some of our needs are listed below. Group parent communication will mainly take place through GroupMe.
  • Team bonding activities
  • Home cheer camp lunches & activities
  • Fundraiser facilitation
  • Team meals before select football games and cheer competitions
  • Locker & bus decorations for important events
  • Competition treats & snacks


Section One: Health & Strength

Members are expected to maintain their health and strength to have the ability to tumble, stunt, and maintain mental focus. Regular conditioning and strength training will be part of the cheer program. If any condition arises (physical, mental, emotional, etc.) that interferes with the safety and function of a cheerleader, proper precautions will be taken to protect the safety of the cheerleader and other team members. If a cheerleader misses vital practices for performance content of any kind due to illness or injury, the cheerleader may be permanently removed from the affected performance content. Note: Please do not try out if existing injuries, diseases, or physical/mental/emotional limitations prohibit you from vigorous exercise, required attendance, or extreme impact due to stunting and tumbling.

Section Two: Stunt Safety Clinic

All Skyridge High School cheerleaders are required to attend the stunting certification course in the spring. UHSAA Risk Management rules do not allow a cheerleader to stunt during the 2024-2025 school year if he/she does not attend the stunt certification clinic. DATE TBA.

Section Three: Injuries

Unfortunately, due to the nature of cheerleading, serious injuries can occur. If a member becomes injured in or out of cheerleading and is unable to train with the cheerleading team, a medical release note must be submitted by a physician to remove the cheerleader from activity and also to clear the cheerleader back into activity. The cheerleader must then prove through conditioning and training that he/she can return to full performance and will remain absent from routines until doing so. A cheerleader absent from vital practices due to illness or injury may be permanently removed from the affected performance content. It is expected the injured cheerleader remain in attendance at all functions, even though participation is limited or prohibited.

Section Four: NFHS Spirit Rules of Safety

All efforts will be made to prevent injuries by following the National Federation of State High School Associations Spirit Rules of Safety.


Section One: Practice Uniform

During the 2024-2025 school year, practice attire will be assigned for all practices to create unity and improve the optical landscape for coaches. When practice attire is not assigned, clothing should be modest, allow movement, and not be overly baggy for safety. Sports bras cannot be worn as tops. Hair must always be secured out of the face before entering practice and cheer shoes must be worn. Nails cannot extend past the end of the fingertip and jewelry cannot be worn. Incorrect practice attire will result in grade deductions. Lost points cannot be regained.

Section Two: Game Uniform

Game uniform is assigned for each event. White, no-show ankle socks must be worn, unless otherwise directed. Bra straps must never show. Hair must be styled as directed with flyaway pieces secured out of the face. Nails cannot extend past the end of the fingertip and jewelry cannot be worn. No unnatural hair color or extreme hairstyles are allowed. Cheerleaders who do not wear the assigned uniform in its entirety may not be allowed to participate in the associated game or event. Incorrect game uniform will result in grade deductions. Lost points cannot be regained.

Section Three: School Uniform on Game Day

On some game days, cheerleaders will be required to wear assigned clothing to school. Hair may be styled as desired, unless otherwise directed. Cheerleaders who fail to wear the correct spirit gear to school will incur grade deductions. Lost points cannot be regained.

Section Four: Travel Uniform

In an effort to look professional and uniform, cheerleaders must arrive at games and travel on buses in their 2024-2025 cheerleading apparel and cheer shoes. Other articles and accessories should be carried in the designated cheerleading bag. Hair must be styled correctly before loading the bus.

Section Five: Loss of Uniform

Cheerleaders who lose an article of uniform or spirit gear must pay for a replacement piece immediately. The cheerleader may not be allowed to participate in games, performances, and events until the article of clothing is replaced.


Section One: Cheerleading Fees

  • Uniform, Spirit Gear, Summer Fees. Each team member is required to pay $900 toward uniform expenses, spirit gear, and coach summer pay. Payments must be paid on time to place uniform orders. Cheerleaders will not be eligible to participate in most events without required clothing and uniforms. All team members are also required to provide all-white cheer shoes with a low profile sole.
  • Participation Fee. A $100.00 participation fee will be charged during school registration for all team members. Funds are used for general cheer expenses such as buses, signs, and supplies.
  • Home Cheer Camp & Guest Stunt Instructor. The price of home cheer camp is $350 and includes the cost of a guest stunt instructor as well as breakfasts, activities, and transportation.
  • Competition Trip Fees. Parents will be notified of competition trip fees up to $1750 by mid-fall.
  • Miscellaneous Fees. There may be miscellaneous expenses not included above, but such expenses are optional.

Section Two: Payment Schedule

Due Date
April 10th
Uniform Fees
April 24th
Uniform Fees
May 8th
Uniform Fees
May 22nd
Home Camp Fees
All fees should be paid at

Section Three: Fundraising

Various fundraisers will take place throughout the year to support the cheer program. Funds raised are used for buses, signs, supplies, competition fees, music, activities, coach pay, additional clothing, tour events, and other various expenses. It is strongly encouraged all cheerleaders participate in fundraising activities, as they will not be entitled to use funds raised without their participation. The following fundraisers will take place throughout the year:
  • Skyridge Youth Cheer Camp: June 11-13, 5:00-9:00pm
    • 3-day cheerleading clinic for 1st - 9th grade Skyridge Youth Cheer teams followed by a football game halftime show performance in the fall
  • Mini Cheer Camp: Fall 2024
    • 1-day cheerleading clinic for pre-K through 6th grade children, followed by a football game halftime show performance
  • The Skyridge Invitational: October 26, 2024
    • Cheerleading competition for 1st - 9th grade youth cheerleading teams

Section Four: Loss of Cheerleading Fees

Once uniforms are ordered, any cheerleader who quits before cheer fees are paid in full will still be responsible to pay any uniform and camp costs that are non-refundable. Furthermore, a competition team cheerleader that is unable to attend a trip event due to disciplinary procedures, injury, or any other reason forfeits her fees paid toward the event if refund deadlines are past.


Section One: Tryout Eligibility

District policy states that with few exceptions, athletes currently in 10th or 11th grade must be enrolled at Skyridge High School at the time of tryouts in order to participate in tryouts. Current junior high and middle school students (not currently attending a high school) can only try out for cheer once at an area high school, regardless of tryout results at that school.

Section Two: Tryouts, Part A (Aktivate Registration)

Due March 25th!
Before tryouts, each athlete must complete all UHSAA participation forms at, which includes consent to participate, insurance, and medical clearance forms. Be sure to select “competitive cheer” during registration. Visit to create an account and complete registration.

Section Three: Tryouts, Part B (Online Application)

Due March 25th!
Please visit as soon as possible to begin your tryout application. Questions regarding the online application process may be sent to [email protected]. As part of the tryout process, we will review the following information about each participant:
  • 2023-2024 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Quarter Grades
  • 2023-2024 School Attendance
  • Online Essay
  • 2023-2024 3rd Quarter Teachers’ Recommendations (8)
  • Previous Coaches’ or Instructors’ Recommendations (2)
Parents and athletes should also review and sign the following forms:
  • Bylaws Acceptance Form
  • Informed Consent & Acknowledgement Agreement
  • Tryout Permission Slip
  • Health, Safety & Performance Agreement
  • Fee Transparency Form

Section Four: Tryouts, Part C (In-Person Tryouts)

Just like other sports, the Cheer & Stunt Crew teams will be selected by the cheerleading coaches. Tryouts will be held over the course of three days so coaches can observe participants for several hours. Tryouts are scheduled March 25th, 27th, and 28th at Skyridge High School. Tryouts are closed to spectators. Each participant should dress neatly and wear shoes and clothing suitable for athletic activity. Be sure to bring running shoes in addition to cheer shoes on March 25th.
On March 25th, participants will take part in a workshop-style event from 3:00-5:30pm, which will focus on conditioning, cheer motions, jumps, and tumbling. Participants will be taught a cheer and motion sequence at the workshop. A tryout dance instructional video will be made available Saturday, March 23rd, and must be learned at home before March 25th.
On March 27th, participants will be observed by the coaching staff in small groups of 3-5 participants. Group observations will begin at 3:00pm. Performance times will be assigned by participant number and made available at on March 26th. Female participants will perform tumbling, jumps, motion sequence, cheer, and dance. Male participants will perform tumbling, motion sequence, and cheer.
On March 28th, select participants will return for callback evaluations beginning at 7pm. Callback participant numbers will be made available at by midnight on March 27th.

Section Five: Tryout Results

Tryout results will be posted Saturday, March 30th, by 6:00pm at Participants will not be assigned to Varsity or JV competition teams at this time. Competition team assignments will be determined after time spent together in practice. Please note coaches reserve the right to evaluate new athletes after March tryouts for placement on the 2024-2025 SHS Cheer & Stunt Crew Team.
2022-2023 Bylaws
2023-2024 Bylaws